vertical shaft impact crusher
vertical shaft impact crusher

Vertical Shaft Impact Crusher

vertical shaft impcact crusher

Shaft Impact Crusher

vertical shaft impact crusher


vertical shaft impact crusher

Ø 1000 mm

vertical shaft impact crusher

100 mm
Maximum Feeding

Vertical shaft crusher is the crusher with the highest sand production of 0-5 mm.

It is the ideal solution for crushing hard and abrasive materials such as medium-sized basalt granite. Provides the highest efficiency in production with its high production capacity and easy maintenance feature. With automatic lubrication system, sends the grease that is missing or that needs maintenance to the relevant part in seconds.

Usage Area of Vertical Shaft Crushers

  • To crush creekstone
  • Producing cubical product in rock quarry
  • Producing sand and gravel to produce concrete aggregate
  • Producing thin material to use road construction

and works with high efficiency in lots of different areas

vertical shaft impact crusher
vertical shaft impact crusher
For unique solutions

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For detailed information about our VSI-1000 Vertical Shaft Impact Crusher.


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