Nominal capacity in tph (mm) with crusher operating in CSS

Crushing Chamber Maximum Feed 6 8 10 13 16 19 22 25 32 38
EC 185 - - - 69-108 75-150 80-161 86-171 91-182 104-208 115-208
C 145 - - - 66-131 71-142 76-152 81-162 86-173 98-197 109-150
MC 115 - - 57 62-140 67-151 72-162 77-173 82-174 93-145 -
M 90 - - 64-84 69-131 75-142 80-152 86-162 91-154 104 -
MF 75 - 61 65-106 70-115 76-124 81-126 87-114 92 - -
F 50 48-78 51-83 54-88 59-96 63-103 68-105 72-95 77 - -
EF 35 The EF 35 is 80% thinner than 5-5.6mm with the 70-90 setting.


Nominal capacity in tph (inch) with crusher operating in CSS

Crushing Chamber Maximum Feed 0,2’’ 0,3’’ 0,4’’ 0,5’’ 0,6’’ 0,7’’ 0,9’’ 0,9’’ 1,2’’ 1,5’’
EC 7’’ - - - 69-108 75-150 80-161 86-171 91-182 104-208 115-208
C 6’’ - - - 66-131 71-142 76-152 81-162 86-173 98-197 109-150
MC 4’’ - - 57 62-140 67-151 72-162 77-173 82-174 93-145 -
M 3’’ - - 64-84 69-131 75-142 80-152 86-162 91-154 104 -
MF 3’’ - 61 65-106 70-115 76-124 81-126 87-114 92 - -
F 2’’ 48-78 51-83 54-88 59-96 63-103 68-105 72-95 77 - -
EF 1’’ 70-90 tons per hour, 80% thinner than 0,1-0,5 inch.


cone crusher
cone crusher

Cone Crusher

cone crusher



cone crusher



132 kW

Cone crusher designed to crush materials like granite, basalt, andesit etc. These materials are hard and abresive.

Spare parts consumption is low because it has long-lasting wear parts.

In addition, since maintenance and repair operations can be done easily on the crusher, operating costs are low.

The main structural elements of the crusher are as follows;

  • Body(bottom and top)
  • Adjustment ring and feeding plate
  • Core and main shaft
  • Eccentric sleeve and cone gear
  • Drive assembly
  • Concaves and core linings
  • Crushed material groove
  • Adjustment mechanism
  • Lubrication system
cone crusher
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