Nominal Capacities Chamber EC C M MF F EF
  CSS 70–85 50–65 - - - -
SH 120 80 60 45 35 25
TS 135 90 65 50 38 28


Max Motor Power (kW) 90 90 90 90 90 90 90


Ecc. Throw (mm) 13-25 13-25 13–28 13–28 13–28 13–28
CSS (mm) 4 - - - - 23–40 19–41
5 - - - - 24–52 20–42
6 - - - 26–56 25–54 -
8 - - 32–35 32–74 27–57 -
10 45 45–62 34–86 34–78 28–61 -
13 48–93 48–93 37–94 37–76 31–52 -
16 52–100 52–100 40-90 40–59 33–41 -
19 56–108 56–108 43–62 46 35 -
22 60-115 60–115 - - - -
25 64-123 64–123 - - - -
29 69-132 69–106 - - - -
32 73-123 73 - - - -
35 76-94 - - - - -


Nominal Capacities Chamber EC C M MF F EF
  CSS 70–85 50–65 - - - -
SH 120 80 60 45 35 25
TS 135 90 65 50 38 28


Max Motor Power (hp) 121 121 121 121 121 121 121


Ecc. Throw (inch) 13-25 13-25 13–28 13–28 13–28 13–28
CSS (mm) 0,1 - - - - 23–40 19–41
0,2 - - - - 24–52 20–42
0,2 - - - 26–56 25–54 -
0,3 - - 32–35 32–74 27–57 -
0,4 45 45–62 34–86 34–78 28–61 -
0,5 48–93 48–93 37–94 37–76 31–52 -
0,6 52–100 52–100 40-90 40–59 33–41 -
0,7 56–108 56–108 43–62 46 35 -
0,8 60-115 60–115 - - - -
0,9 64-123 64–123 - - - -
1,1 69-132 69–106 - - - -
1,2 73-123 73 - - - -
1,3 76-94 - - - - -


cone crusher
cone crusher

Cone Crusher

cone crusher



cone crusher



90 kW

Cone crusher designed to crush materials like granite, basalt, andesit etc. These materials are hard and abresive.

Spare parts consumption is low because it has long-lasting wear parts.

In addition, since maintenance and repair operations can be done easily on the crusher, operating costs are low.

The main structural elements of the crusher are as follows;

  • Body(bottom and top)
  • Adjustment ring and feeding plate
  • Core and main shaft
  • Eccentric sleeve and cone gear
  • Drive assembly
  • Concaves and core linings
  • Crushed material groove
  • Adjustment mechanism
  • Lubrication system
cone crusher
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